Pilot Info

Airport Name: Galway Airport.   Local Frequency 122.5 MHz
Location: 4NM ENE of Galway
IATA code: GWY
Fire Category: CAT 1, up to CAT 4 on request
Location and Elevation: Aerodrome Reference Point (ARP)
LAT: 531800.88N
LONG: 0085628.17W
Elevation: 81ft

Runway Characteristics
Grooved Runway
The Strength (PCN) and surface of RWY and SWY: 29/F/B/U/T/Ashphalt.
Runway 08
LDA: 1289m, TORA: 1289m , ASDA: 1289m, TODA: 1349m
Runway 26
LDA: 1212m, TORA: 1289m, ASDA: 1289m, TODA: 1349m

Navigational Aids
ILS:  CAT 1                                                  Temporarily out of service
LLZ frequency: 108.5 Mhz                      Temporarily out of service
GP frequency:  329.9 Mhz                       Temporarily out of service
NDB frequency: 321 Mhz                         Temporarily out of service
Ident: CRN                                                  Temporarily out of service
DME frequency: 108.5 Mhz (CH 22X)  Temporarily out of service
Ident: gwy                                                   Temporarily out of service
DME frequency: 110.0 Mhz (CH 37X)  Temporarily out of service
Ident: CRN                                                  Temporarily out of service

Operational Hours 
09.00- 1700 Monday to Friday
Open all other hours on request

Fire Category: Cat 1,  up to cat 4 on request
Fuel Availability: Jet A1 (Avgas 100LL currently not available)
Deicing:          Temporarily out of service
Catering: Available on request
Customs and immigration: Prior notice required
Hangarage available: Subject to availability

Weather Information
Automatic weather information: 00 353 (0)91 760753
Frequency: ATIS 118.225 Mhz             Temporarily out of service
Further Weather Information (Courtesy Galway Harbour)

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